From Concept to Reality: The Creation of ChatGPT

From Concept to Reality: The Creation of ChatGPT

The Story Behind The Creation of ChatGPT From The Individuals Involved in its Development In today’s digital era, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a buzzword, and its applications have started to revolutionize various industries. OpenAI, a non-profit AI research company co-founded by Elon Musk, Sam Altman, Greg Brockman, and others, has been making significant strides…

Technology Future: 7 Trends Shaping the Way We Live

Technology Future: 7 Trends Shaping the Way We Live

Technology has transformed the world we live in, and it continues to do so at an unprecedented rate. From satellites, smartphones, robots, space to artificial intelligence, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. In this article, we’ll explore the emerging trends that will shape the future of technology and change the way…

Artificial intelligence and the legal system: Lords Committee report

Artificial intelligence and the legal system: Lords Committee report

Do not forget the House of Lords Justice and Domestic Affairs Committee report on “technology guidelines,” which is due on November 28, 2022. the justice device’s interior now seems to include cutting-edge technology. On March 30, 2022, the document was put online. The report summarised the committee’s findings from its examination into “new technologies and…

Technology for surveillance makes the US-Mexico border even deadlier

Technology for surveillance makes the US-Mexico border even deadlier

At the southern US border in the middle of the Arizona wilderness, a monitoring tower more than 150 feet high rises, its swivelling cameras scanning the valley below. It can observe three surrounding groups and the foothills of the Baboquivari Mountains, one of the most perilous routes for migrants travelling from Mexico to the United…

Using digital data, US police use it to prosecute abortions

Using digital data, US police use it to prosecute abortions

Late in April, authorities in Nebraska were informed by a tip that Celeste Burgess, then 17, had given birth to a stillborn child and buried the body. Officers quickly discovered that a friend and her mother, Jessica Burgess, had assisted her with transportation and burial. For failing to disclose a death and misleading reporting, the…

How generative AI will dramatically increase productivity

How generative AI will dramatically increase productivity

Many employment won’t be eliminated by generative technology; instead, they will change. Imagine a journalist who could write six times as quickly and succinctly as Michael Lewis. Imagine a video editor taking 15 minutes to select the best 15-second snippets from five hours of video content. Imagine software developers writing code in their organization’s style…

7 Things Siri on Your iPhone Can Do That You Didn’t Know

7 Things Siri on Your iPhone Can Do That You Didn’t Know

Siri is capable of much more than just texting and providing weather information. Siri, the virtual voice assistant on your iPhone, makes it simpler to verbally carry out actions that would otherwise require your hands. You may make a call while driving or start a 15-minute timer while rushing around the kitchen using only your…

Prepare now for the metaverse’s and Web3’s revolution of the internet.

Prepare now for the metaverse’s and Web3’s revolution of the internet.

The internet of today is a fragmented network of websites, applications, and platforms. They are not interoperable or data portable because they are independent of one another. Therefore, despite the enormous advancements brought about by digital transformation, the current model will eventually stifle business growth. In actuality, 95% of CEOs polled for 2022 According to…

There are 5 actions every company can take to prevent a cybersecurity breach.

There are 5 actions every company can take to prevent a cybersecurity breach.

Businesses that have weathered cyberattacks are aware that security breaches are unavoidable. Making cyber-resilience and business recovery an integral part of their DNA is strongly motivated by this. CISOs and IT executives tell VentureBeat that preparing in advance to be more resistant to disruptive and catastrophic hacks is what saved their companies. For many firms,…

There are expanding gaps in Canadians’ access to technology and digital literacy, according to new data from Deloitte Canada.

There are expanding gaps in Canadians’ access to technology and digital literacy, according to new data from Deloitte Canada.

According to a recent analysis from Deloitte Canada, there are growing gaps in Canadians’ access to the digital world and their ability to develop those skills, as well as an increased risk to their online privacy and safety. The digital equality report demonstrates that the disparities have a higher impact on positive Canadian equity-denied and…