Beautiful Wedding Ideas 10 Great Ideas

The traditional wedding has become very boring, and all these exaggerated things may cause our eyes to tire, and the wedding no longer expresses the personality of the newlyweds. And luxury, in addition to it will reflect your personality, and will leave a wonderful impact on everyone.

Now you have to give up sticking to your ideas about your wedding that you want more beautiful than a wedding you attended a while ago, and then choose these ideas so that your wedding is the most beautiful ever.

1 – Add some color

The white dress, the crown, the veil, the roses, and the shoes, all must be white, as they are intended for the bride, and this explains why the fashion designers did not succeed in designing a wedding dress in a color other than white, but you have to enter some colors. How is that? What is the result? What is its effect? I know that it is a whole new step, but your wedding is worth it, for example you have to choose a specific color and adopt it in some details of the white wedding dress, the color of the groom’s tie, and also in the decor of the wedding venue, in addition to your shoes.

Through this step, you have succeeded in adding your personality and character, the color will stem from what you prefer, as for the effect, it will be magical on everyone, but it is not possible to get everyone’s satisfaction no matter what we do.

2 – Invitation cards

The usual invitation cards are embossed or have glitter, or on pieces of wood, etc., but they are unimaginably common, in addition to being somewhat expensive.

But because you are looking for beautiful wedding ideas, you must change this habit, and prepare your wedding cards yourself with a touch of love, and make sure that they touch the heart of all close people as soon as they reach them. All you have to do is prepare a quantity of good quality cardboard, with ink in a color that matches the color that you choose to add to the white, and then draw the shape of the heart through the fingerprint of the bride and groom, and then write the date and the location of the wedding.

3 – The wedding venue

Most of the weddings, or it can be said that 95% of them take place in a closed place such as a party hall, a restaurant, or a home, etc., but can you imagine how beautiful and simple your wedding would be if it took place in nature! This will be one of the most wonderful weddings, especially since we are not used to it, in addition to that you will save a lot of sums that are confined to the venue of the ceremony, and instead you can increase the wedding dress budget, for example.

All you have to do is determine the location, and then get the tables and chairs, and they are available through offices that rent them, and you can add white blankets to them or in the color that you have chosen with white.

4- Organizing tables

These are among the beautiful ideas for the wedding and they will interest you in the event that you decide to hold a wedding in nature, here you can use a specialist in decoration, or rely on your taste and what you think is appropriate, and your touches are sure to be distinguished in this regard! The first thing that you have to do is to determine the place assigned to you, and it is preferable that it gives you the opportunity to get the most beautiful pictures, meaning that the trees are behind you, or the sea in case the place is the beach, and then determine the place of attendance.

As the most important part is the place for the party and the dance, it should be a bit wide, and the choice is for you with regard to the corridor, do you prefer it in front of the audience, or in the middle of them by separating the guests into two parts. In addition to organizing the place for each guest to sit, by preparing nameplates from pine or wood, making a slit with them and installing a sheet of paper with writing the person’s name.

5 – Table decoration

In all the parties, what decorates the tables was a large flower pot with roses, and in its traditional boring form, to a large extent, it is luxurious, this is not hidden from anyone, but it is widespread, but you are looking for beautiful ideas for a distinctive wedding that does not resemble any party.

So, you have to create decor to decorate the tables yourself! It’s beautiful, simple and easy, all you need is: a set of glass containers (old ones can be used), flowers (different things can be used like colored stones or shiny pieces), and pieces of fabric of a suitable color. All you have to do is clean the containers well, put the flowers or things that you have chosen inside the bowls, and then cut the fabrics in strips, and stick them on the containers in a distinctive way, and then distribute them on the tables.

6 – Wedding cake

We have arrived at the wedding cake, which will never be traditional, and it will be different from the pure white cake, which is cut at every wedding, this is your special wedding, and it has a lot of beautiful ideas.

As for the cake, like what happened with the wedding colors, you have to break the rule of white and white chocolate, and enter the color that you have chosen with white, in addition to choosing additional details, and different designs. As for if you like black chocolate or milk chocolate, this is for sure! Never hesitate to choose a cake with chocolate, nor do you have to do with all those who say that a white cake is a good light, because chocolate is very delicious.

7 – Memories and messages from the audience

It is nice for each of the guests and close people to leave a small message for both of you, which will be the best memories of this special day, but how is that? It is by allocating a small table to be placed in front of the entrance to the ceremony, with a set of papers and a pen, in addition to a box, and each person in the audience must write what he likes, and then put the paper in the box. You can replace the leaves with small stones, hearts in wood, or by puzzle pieces together, all you have to do is read it again until you remember.

8 – Take pictures continuously

This is not a new idea, but with a little change it will be distinctive, by making the pictures more fun, in addition to getting a lot of memories by continuing to take pictures while preparing for the party.

A specialist in the field of photography can be hired to ensure the quality and accuracy of the images, but there is no problem in obtaining the images in the normal way. Take a picture of your hands with the hands of your mother and the mother of the groom, focusing on the rings.

9 – Shoes without heels

A long day, with so much work and fatigue, what would it be like to be with high heels? It hurts to move brown with these shoes, so you have to try something new and special. All that needs to be done is to choose a shoe without heels, with a distinctive design and color, and to try the dress with him to make sure of the measurements and length, and to approve it at the wedding, but the question remains, what about the beautiful high-heeled shoes that you chose? The answer is to allocate it to the photography sessions.

You may wonder how shoes can be among the beautiful ideas for a wedding, so I tell you with confidence, that if you feel comfortable, this will reflect on your beauty, joy, movement, and you are the basis of this ceremony!

10 – A candle on each table

It is one of the most beautiful ideas that will change your wedding completely, especially if it will take place in nature, when night comes and darkness falls, and there is no need for strong and annoying lights. All you have to do is place a group of candles, distribute them on the tables, and then ask the guests to light them in the evening, and then get lighting as if the stars had descended to you for the wedding.