10 Common School Myths You Need to Know The Truth About!!!

As children, we all learn countless facts and pieces of information in school that we often take for granted as true. However, as we grow older and learn more about the world, we may come to realize that some of these “facts” we learned in school may not be entirely accurate. In fact, some of them may be completely wrong. In this article, we will explore ten commonly taught things in school that are actually untrue.


#1.The Earth is Flat

One of the most widely accepted scientific facts is that the Earth is a sphere. However, this was not always the case. In fact, for centuries, people believed that the Earth was flat. This belief was so prevalent that even some of the most brilliant minds in history, such as Aristotle and Ptolemy, believed it to be true. However, it wasn’t until the 16th century that the theory of a spherical Earth gained widespread acceptance.


#2.Columbus Discovered America

Many of us were educated that Christopher Columbus uncovered America in 1492, but this is not entirely accurate. The native population already resided in the Americas when Columbus arrived, and he was not the earliest European to arrive on the continent. The truth is that Viking adventurers had already established a colony in present-day Newfoundland, Canada over 500 years before Columbus landed.


#3.The Water in Toilets Flows in Different Directions in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres

This is a common misconception that many people still believe today. The idea is that due to the Coriolis effect, which causes objects to deflect to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere, water drains in different directions depending on which hemisphere you are in. However, this is actually false. The Coriolis effect is only significant on a large scale, such as in the movement of weather patterns, and has no effect on the rotation of water in a toilet bowl. Other factors, such as the shape of the bowl and the direction of the initial motion, are what determine which way the water flows.


#4.Camouflage is only for animal protection

Many people believe that camouflage is solely used by animals as a form of protection. However, camouflage can also be used as a form of deception, allowing animals to blend in with their surroundings to sneak up on prey or to avoid detection by predators. In fact, some species of animals, such as chameleons and octopuses, are known for their ability to change their color and texture to match their environment. Camouflage is also used by military forces for concealment and to blend in with the environment.


#5.Gravity was discovered by Isaac Newton when an apple fell on his head.

While it is true that Sir Isaac Newton did make significant contributions to the understanding of gravity, the story of the apple falling on his head is likely a untruth myth. In reality, Newton observed the motion of the moon and realized that there must be a force, gravity, that was responsible for its movement around the Earth. He then developed the laws of motion and universal gravitation, which revolutionized the field of physics and math.


#6.Diamond fund wars in Africa

Many people believe that the diamond trade directly funds wars in Africa. While it is true that diamonds have been used to fund conflicts in the past, the industry has taken steps to prevent this from happening in the present day. The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme was established in 2003 to prevent the trade of conflict diamonds, or diamonds that are used to finance wars against governments. The scheme requires participating countries to certify that their diamond exports are conflict-free and has been successful in reducing the trade of conflict diamonds.


#7.Murder rates are higher than ever before

Despite what you may hear in the media, murder rates are not actually higher than ever before. In fact, according to the FBI, murder rates in the United States have been steadily declining since the 1990s. While there are still instances of violence and crime, it is important to recognize that overall trends suggest that we are becoming safer as a society. It is also important to be critical of media narratives that sensationalize violence and perpetuate the false belief that our world is becoming more dangerous.


#8. Split infinitives are grammatically incorrect

For many years, it was considered incorrect to split an infinitive – that is, to place an adverb between the word “to” and the verb in an infinitive phrase (e.g. “to boldly go”). However, this rule was based on a false belief that English should follow the same grammatical rules as Latin. In truth, split infinitives are not grammatically incorrect and can be used effectively in writing and speech to convey emphasis or clarity.


#9. The tongue has specific taste regions

You may have learned in school that different parts of the tongue are responsible for tasting different flavors – for example, that sweet tastes are detected on the tip of the tongue while sour tastes are detected at the sides. However, this idea has been debunked by scientific research. In reality, taste buds are distributed across the entire tongue, and while certain areas may be slightly more sensitive to certain flavors, all taste buds are capable of detecting all flavors.


#10. Witches were burned at the stake during the Salem witch trials

Contrary to popular belief, no witches were actually burned at the stake during the Salem witch trials. Instead, those accused of witchcraft were hung or died in prison while awaiting trial. While the trials were a dark moment in history, it is important to understand the actual events that took place rather than perpetuating false information. This is a reminder to always fact-check and question what we are taught.


We have explored ten commonly taught things in school that are not actually true. While these myths, falsehoods and misconceptions may seem harmless, it is important to have accurate information to better understand the world around us. By questioning what we are taught and seeking out inaccurate information, we can gain a more complete understanding of the world and our place in it.